It has been a hard few months. She has been gaining less and less weight, had trouble with her umbilical cord and generally not doing the greatest. The prognosis being she would most likely pass away in utero and we wouldn’t get to meet her. And now she surprised us all by gaining a bunch of weight, and growing really well. She is a tough cooke. And while this doesn’t mean we are out of any sort of proverbial woods, it is a glance at hope. Hope that at least we will be able to meet our girl.
We have wanted to say thank you. Thank you for your incredible response of love and support. From people far and near, from those who know us personally, and those who don’t. It really has blown us away. But we still need you.
Although we may seem strong and brave as many of you have written, we have our days. Days where we don’t want to face the world, days were I feel ripped off, that I have to go through all this, the stretch marks and bad sleeps and I don’t get a healthy daughter at the end. Ripped off that I don’t get to plan a nursery, have a baby shower or have any sort of the normality of a traditional pregnancy. Days where I feel sorry for myself, where I am so angry that we have to walk this, and days where all I can do is cry.
Then I tell myself, it will be okay. We still have Coco Darling right now. I get to feel her kick and move, she is with us, she hears us and I can face the day. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t break our heart and that we still don’t feel ripped off, but we can enjoy her.
Through the various messages and emails the resounding theme is that it is so hard to know what to do and what not to. So I thought I would share with you.
We love getting your emails, we love getting your texts. We are not much for phone calls and visits, but we want to hear from you none the less. Yes, buy gifts for Coco, talk about her, write her notes that we can read to her. We want to celebrate her as much as we can while she is with us. I am still pregnant, We are still parents and she is still our daughter.
Thank you to all those who already have, it means the world that you love our Coco too.
I never thought you could be so proud of someone you have never met. But we are so proud of our Coco Darling, Hang in there kid.
Until next time
Am so proud of you chicky! xxxx’s and hugs.
Coco will always be your daughter and you will always be her parents. No matter how short her precious life, she has made you into a mother – her mother – and nothing can ever take that away. Peace must be very hard to find, but that is my wish for you on this difficult journey.
I’ve spent the last 5 minutes praying for your darling Coco. I don’t know if you believe in God but I certainly do and his strength is powerful and his love is even greater. I’ll continue to pray for her and for you and your family. You have a family and Coco is a part of that and she is strong and she is beautiful. Enjoy her, love her and be there for her. She needs you more than ever and I can only imagine how great of a mum you must be. Stay strong and remain in love xx
I don’t know you, but feel like I know you but I’m sure you don’t feel like you know me, which is a weird and disarming reflection of the age that we live in. That said I admire you, your courage, your strength and your gut wrenching honesty. Your Coco Darling is so lucky to have you and her Dad. Enjoy your little fighter for the time you can, she won’t be forgotten and she sounds like a true gem.
Just want to say it’s very inspiring that you are willing to share this experience with us. I hope you can feel that there is a bounty of support and encouragement continually being sent your way. Know too that you help all of us too! Your story softens our hearts, makes us more compassionate an gives us courage to go through our own trying experiences with greater acceptance and grace. Thinking of you and darling Coco x Krista @ Paper Plane
Just want to say it’s very inspiring that you are willing to share this experience with us. I hope you can feel that there is a bounty of support and encouragement continually being sent your way. Know too that you help all of us too! Your story softens our hearts, makes us more compassionate an gives us courage to go through our own trying experiences with greater acceptance and grace. Thinking of you and darling Coco x Krista @ Paper Plane
Gem thank you for sharing your journey with us – it is so brave of you and I hope sharing helped to lessen the load even just a little. I can only imagine what you are going through, it’s so wonderful that you are able to take some joy in the little miracle that is your wee Coco. Take care, you’re obviously a strong, amazing women and mother xx Frances