With the arrival of Margot, I have been getting asked to share what my essentials for both mama and baby are. What are my tried and true and must haves? So today I am sharing a few of my favourites for both, the things that make life a little easier or a little more luxurious for those 2am feeds.

Clockwise from left top.
MARYSE MINERAL DEW | THE best product in my make up kit. Not only is it nourishing for your skin, but it is the best pick me up for tired mamas. With it’s subtle and silky shimmer, it adds illumination to your skin. Available here
MAVIS & OSBORN HOUSE SHOES | When one is stuck at home for most of the day, it’s the small things that count. These house shoes make home life a little more pretty, and a little more cosy. Although I am thinking of upgrading to the cosy winter pair as well. Available here.
AMELIA BOLAND LEATHER TOTE | My whole ethos around babies and buying is buy quality, and buy multi-purpose. This guy is exactly that. Simple, well made ( by Wellingtonian Amelia ), and something I will use in the years to come, baby contents or not. Available here.
HOT MILK NURSING BRAS | I don’t know many woman who loving their nursing bras, because the reality is that most are dowdy and leave you feeling a little less desirable than you’d like. So thank goodness for Hot Milk! Beautiful bras that are comfortable, nursing friendly and have a decent size range! Available here.
LAING SLEEPWEAR | I learnt early on that investing in great “loungewear” or the likes is a must for a new mama. Because while somedays you can get up and actually get dressed, there are days when you don’t until at least 2pm. I have the Frances set and it is a dream, most of the time I wear just the top to bed, amazing for middle of the night feeds with the button down, and then pop the pants on first thing and voila! At home chic. I am also eyeing up that cashmere, because, cashmere. Available here.

Clockwise from left top.
CHEKOH RING SLING | I personally love the ring sling, easy to pop on and pop the babe into when you are on the go. I literally use it every day. Whether it’s popping into a shop, out for a walk or just around home, it’s the best way to carry the babe hands free. Margot loves it! Chekoh fabric is hand dyed with eco-friendly dyes, and they’re on sale right now! All the wins! Available here.
BABY HAIR BRUSH | Margot was born with a little hair on her head, and ended up with a bit of cradle cap also, this brush, coconut oil and breastmilk ( yes, breastmilk ) was the best for helping it keep at bay. Available here.
HAAKA BREAST PUMP | I wasn’t really sure about needing or wanting a breast pump before having Margot, but with the idea of being able to pop out for a few hours, or have Nathan feed her if we are on a job in the future, I thought a pump would be handy. I did a little research and stumbled across Haaka, and boy am I glad I did! Super easy to use, easy to clean and sooo affordable! It uses suction and you can pump one side to catch the let down as you nurse on the other. Pretty great! Available here.
MILLSTREAM GARDENS BABY BOTTOM CREAM | THE best baby bottom cream. You may say I am biased, as this is Nathan’s Aunty and Uncle, but seriously, incredible stuff. If Margot flares up with a rash, I wipe some on, and it’s soothed and gone by next change. All natural and made here in Hawkes Bay. They also do a myriad of great natural skin products and treatment balms. Available here.
KIMONO BY NATURE BABY | We love Nature Baby around here, and these kimonos were a life saver. Not only were they perfect for Margot’s rough start and needing oxygen 24/7 ( aka nothing could go over her head ) but also just with newborn life. Babies necks aren’t strong enough, and getting clothes on the can be awkward, and a bit of a struggle. These lie completely flat and you dome around them, rather than pulling over. A far more gentle way to dress such a fresh human! Plus they’re all made from organic cotton. Available here.
So there is a tiny summary of the things I have found helpful in the last few months, aside from that – the Dunstan Baby Lanuage was an absolute lifesaver in the beginning. And now, The Wonder Weeks app and book are invaluable, and I am currently reading ( and loving ) The Danish Way of Parenting.
This blog post is not sponsored, these are items I truly love and value.