M A K E I T // dot wall DIY

We, like most, live in a rental. So I am always looking for temporary and affordable options to make the place our own. I have been obsessed over the spotted wall for a while now, and finally got around to doing it. It is one of the easiest, and pretty cheap DIYS.


 A pack of quik stik dots, colour of your choice : I got mine from Warehouse Stationary

Personally I like the more random patterned effect  and spaced out. So I just got on a ladder and started blue-tacking my dots to the wall! You can do it however works for you. Simple, easy, affordable and easily removed!


Until next time.

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MAKE IT // Flower Wall

This was incredibly fun to make.

I was commissioned to make a backdrop for a photo shoot and this is the result…
A flower wall!

You will need //

150 +  Artificial flowers
Wire snips
Hot Glue
Artificial ‘vines’

 ( I sourced from a wholesaler, but you can find these at your local emporium )

Pull off all the leaves from ‘vine’ , A lot of them they pop on and off, so you can attach other flowers of leaves there. I did mine in a Ombre effect, using yellows, to orange to pink to white.

Begin to attach flowers, weaving into the ‘vine’ and hot gluing when necessary.

Keep going! It takes a while, but is worth it!

Happy making!

Until next time.

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WORK // Behind the scenes

All images above by Blackbird.

B E H I N D  T H E  S C E N E S

Photographer // Heather Liddell
Photographer assistant // Bridgette Baker
Stylist // Gem Camille Speeden
Hair and Make Up // Olga Gill
Models // Chloe V and Renee S
From RED 11
Clothing // supplied by our pals at
p u b l i c   l i b r a r y

It is always a good night when you get to shoot with one of your best friends.

Heather Liddell. She is a babe of a woman, an incredibly talented photographer, and someone I have the pleasure of working with and learning from at The Little Details

These are the moments. This is the reality behind the glamour.
Beautiful Models, Guest Laundry, No room to sit but the chair in the bathroom.

A bloody great night with some bloody great girls.

( GBF 4 LYF )

Until next time.

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