Simple Changing Table

Floor in Resene Rascal, walls in Resene Black White, and change table in Resene Clay Creek | Linen drapes from Ezibuy, Monochromatic prints made by me, Sheepskin, basket on floor and change pad cover from Blackbird Goods, Change basket from Citta, Drawers from Trade Me.

Okay, so I know the previous post I said I was taking a break, buuuuuut here I am. Although I have been on maternity leave since Christmas, It has only really been in the last week I have had the chance to potter and enjoy the last days before babe, yes single digits now, well, until the due date anyway, so really, who knows! We have been getting the babes room ready, and feel grateful to have the time and space to actually get it done, amongst the more pressing renovations, ! And while I wont be sharing the whole space just yet, I wanted to share my latest project, mostly because of the response I got when I posted about it on my Instagram story.

So, change tables, I debated for a while of even having one, but realised I would at least need somewhere to store little clothes etc. So started my search for a versatile, non baby looking change table, that would grow and change with the babe and her needs. And with no luck, I decided it was time to do a little DIY. I scoured Trade Me, and found that blue and lime green ( sheesh ) little number locally. It was the perfect size, simple style, and of course the right price, coming in at a grand total of $80.00. I then went about choosing my paint colour and landed on Resene Clay Creek, a muted and muddied green which I paired with my Resene Rascal floors ( *Quick Tip, when painting floors use Resene Sureseal as a pre paint sealer, stops wood stains and pigments coming through – although get someone else to apply it if you are pregnant, as that stuff is oil based and potent!)

Next up I had to work out how I wanted to use it as a change table. Seeing as I wanted it to change with our soon to arrive child, I wanted something that was easily adaptable and not just have a single use. I decided on a low basket from Citta, my thoughts being this will make a great little toy or blanket storage in the future, then used a natural latex pillow with a pillow protector and Dehei jersey cotton pillow case that I nabbed from our shop. Last but not least I popped an IKEA organiser in, for those bits and pieces.

And done! A movable changing basket and adaptable piece of furniture, tick, tick tick. Now we just need the babe!


Christmas Foraged Wreath

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Last week we threw a little Summer Night Soirée at Blackbird Goods , we drank bubbles, met new people, found out the name of our local barista and I demonstrated a foraged wreath.  It was such a great night connecting with our community and all the people who support Blackbird and Blackbird Goods. Thanks so much to all the babes that made it out! We may need to extend the space to fit you all next time!

Okay, so I am a total sucker for a good wreath, believing that they are not only a great decoration for Christmas, but a great way to slow down and celebrate the change of seasons and milestones in our lives. Wreaths are such a great way to bring a festive feel, in a subtle and ‘grown up’ way. So, for this wreath, I bought a large wire round from a local emporium as my base, but you can make it out of willow or another bendy branch. Next, using florist wire ( also from the emporium ) I attached evergreens ( unsure of the names sorry! ) to a little over half of the round, bulking it out a focal point with a piece of budded yarrow and some dried Corokia. But really, just get out there with your secateurs  and a thoughtful eye and you can create magic! And I would love to see what you end up making!

I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas and relax with delicious food, family, friends and some sun!

Make sure you pop into Blackbird Goods if you are in Napier for the summer! Until then you can find us on Instagram, just follow @blackbirdgem !

Until next year! x


Natural Dyeing workshop for Kinfolk Gathering Tauranga

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 A long lunch between the walls of ficus and beside wood fires, the outrageously pretty Ataahua was the perfect spot for the ‘Under the Surface’ Kinfolk Gathering. The talented Shaye from On My Hand is most definitely the hostess with the mostess. She has styling and executing  down to the last detail. Root vegetable centrepiece,  plantable menus and amazing raw honey from fellow Kinfolk host ( & equally talented babe ) Unna of The Forest Cantina. I teamed up with my go to gals The Fabric Store and hand dyed furoshiki as well as gifting instructions and linen for their very own project.

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Photo no.3 by Blackbird, All others by Bubblerock

Delicious meals by Nadine from Devour Catering, Made even more beautiful by food stylist Aimee from Hope & Organic and hitting that sweet spot with Danielle from Spongedrop. And all captured by dynamic duo Bubblerock. By golly it was good.

If you would like to see more images than mostly my BRF mug head over to HERE to Fancy! Design blog.

Until next time


ROUND UP | March


I dont know where March went, but we are at the end of it.

Here is how my March went.


ONE  | Corners of our bedroom

TWO | Textures of my favourite tones

THREE  | Records are finally unpacked, Diana Ross you mega babe and one of my favourite covers

FOUR  | Making things for next issue of Homestyle

FIVE | Lines visits the bay

SIX | The best afternoon light and my Monstera

SEVEN | Sending out Blackbird goods

EIGHT | My girls & and afternoon of Rosè

NINE | Misty morning walks

TENDip & tie DIY

ELEVEN | The long slog of the lounge renovations

TWELVE | Drinks at Monica Loves


Until next time
