The New Year


There is something about a new year to help shift perspectives and to create promise. The whole year stretching ahead of you all clean and fresh. And this year I feel it even more.

I am a goal setter and a list maker, and I thought I would share a few of my resolutions as such for 2015 with you.

Sew | I want to sew more, possibly take a night course in pattern making.

Read | I miss reading, and I find myself spending time in front of the tv instead of reading, this year I am aiming to read more, book club anyone?

Walk | My aim is to walk Te Mata peak twice a week, I find the hilltop gives me a perspective unlike any other place.

Lean Living | I want to continue my quest on a lean closet and home.

What are your goals or dreams for this coming year?

Until next time,BlackbirdBLOG signature

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