Tag Archives: STYLING

MAKE IT // terrarium



A few weeks ago, I shared photos of the fabulous. Yes, Fabulous, Annie O’s terrarium workshop at Studio 46.

Coming home, I was all inspired to finally getting around to making my own.

I have had the vessel for quite some time, I picked it up at a garage sale in Hawkes Bay for a couple of bucks. And old mate jesus, who I spray painted. And finally I headed to get my little mates to go inside. Coromandel Cacti. Heaven. Rows and rows of succulent & cacti goodness, from the cute tiny to the bloody massive. And all as chip as chips.

I picked myself out couple of Aloe variegata and a big old Sedum rubrotinctum or jelly bean plant.

Both are hardy and robust, so they don’t mind if they are ignored by their plant mother.

I also got me some cacti soil, that has bits and pieces that they like, and some small pebbles.

So, this isn’t a tutorial as such, it is more like a ‘see, I made one, and you can too, and they are nice and fun to have around the house.’ kind of thing.

Brilliant, get your green thumbs out & let them have a party.

Until next time.BlackbirdBLOG signature

1 0 1 // Bookshelf Styling


( above photo is my bookshelf after an overhall! )

Personally I think that every part of a home should be styled. It creates a flow through the house and lets your eyes have a happy little stop over in each place. Starting with the humble bookshelf.


COLOUR CODING // Often a bookshelf looks messy because of all the different coloured jackets. But by grouping them together it looks cohesive and you still get the lovely look of the spines.

STACKING // Try stacking different ways, in a pile, horizontal or even with the ends facing forward.

PROPS // No bookshelf is complete without a few bits & bobs. We all have them around our home, and often it’s hard to find a place for them. The bookshelf is the perfect spot. Old cameras, photos, nic-nacs and vases, anything works.

HATE IT? PAINT IT // Often we are given things, or buy things and our taste changes, but you still love the sentiment of the item. Painting it gives it a new lease of life, so you can put it back on display!

SPACE // Allow space for the items to ‘breathe’, There is no need to push them all together, creating space gives a more ordered and purposeful look.

STORAGE // Remember that not everything needs to be on display, using storage such as wooden or wire crates, decorative boxes and baskets can ‘hide’ things with making them still easily accessible. Then pop them on the shelf and it looks great!

REMEMBER // Inject your own personality into your bookcase, it is a fun place to showcase!

Until next time.

BlackbirdBLOG signature

MAKE IT // Flower Wall

This was incredibly fun to make.

I was commissioned to make a backdrop for a photo shoot and this is the result…
A flower wall!

You will need //

150 +  Artificial flowers
Wire snips
Hot Glue
Artificial ‘vines’

 ( I sourced from a wholesaler, but you can find these at your local emporium )

Pull off all the leaves from ‘vine’ , A lot of them they pop on and off, so you can attach other flowers of leaves there. I did mine in a Ombre effect, using yellows, to orange to pink to white.

Begin to attach flowers, weaving into the ‘vine’ and hot gluing when necessary.

Keep going! It takes a while, but is worth it!

Happy making!

Until next time.

BlackbirdBLOG signature

WORK // Behind the scenes

All images above by Blackbird.

B E H I N D  T H E  S C E N E S

Photographer // Heather Liddell
Photographer assistant // Bridgette Baker
Stylist // Gem Camille Speeden
Hair and Make Up // Olga Gill
Models // Chloe V and Renee S
From RED 11
Clothing // supplied by our pals at
p u b l i c   l i b r a r y

It is always a good night when you get to shoot with one of your best friends.

Heather Liddell. She is a babe of a woman, an incredibly talented photographer, and someone I have the pleasure of working with and learning from at The Little Details

These are the moments. This is the reality behind the glamour.
Beautiful Models, Guest Laundry, No room to sit but the chair in the bathroom.

A bloody great night with some bloody great girls.

( GBF 4 LYF )

Until next time.

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