FOUND // Drawers

If you had realised already I am a major sucker for a bit of foraging, hunting and finding. I love a good op shop, thrift store, garage or yard sale. I get a bit giddy when I find a little diamond in the rough. It is something the husband and I do together, and equally love. Okay, Maybe me a little more than him. Either way, it is a favourite pass time of ours.

So here we start a new little feature. Found. I will post about our latests buys, finds and acquisitions.

These are the latest. Two huge drawer sets. We ventured to a second hand store looking for drawer handles and came back with these. Solid wood, Brass handles and label holders. Sheesh. Beautiful. I nearly died, I swear. I wouldn’t let Nathan leave their side while I went to talk to the store-man about delivery and such ( I mean our Sven is a beast, But not beastly enough for these puppies ) So $200 later ( I know. Steal ) , they were ours.

Welcome to the family, Let’s see what we can find to hang out with you.

Until next time.
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SPRING CLEAN // Natural Favourites

I am not going to lie, I kinda love cleaning. I’m serious. There is something utterly satisfying about it all. When you stand back and it’s all shinny and such. Damn it feels good.

I spent the last week cleaning our new home head to toe. Yes, week. It is never till I reflect that I realise how I am maybe a little OCD when it comes to cleaning. But hey, I guess it isn’t the worst habit to have.

I always have the best intentions of making my own cleaning products, but never seem to find the time. New years resolution at mid year. There are so many great natural cleaning products available now, which is right up my alley. If I am spending hours cleaning, I don’t want to be breathing all the crap that is put in most products.

So here are a few of my favourite natural cleaning items.

ECO STORE CREAM CLEANSER //  How can something that cleans so well, Smells so good and is free of all the nasties not be my favourite.

CLOVE OIL // I am never without it. This magical oil does wonders. Pop a couple of drops in hot water, and use to wipe down walls, ceilings and so on. Cleans, Smells amazing and helps keep that pesky mould at bay.

MIELE S5211 // Okay not really natural, But bloody amazing. Changed my life. Truly. The suction on this puppy is like no other. I would never go back. Ever.

TOOTHBRUSH // The essential tool. Recycled more than natural. Corners, Cracks, all those places that grime up and you can’t get to, this guy will. Thank goodness for toothbrushes.

Happy spring cleaning.

Until next time.BlackbirdBLOG signature